This includes support for currency, scientific notation, and percentages. 包括支持货币、科学计数法和百分比。
In this case, I had to set the left margin to6-characters wide to accommodate the tics in scientific notation for cosec ( x)= 1/ sin ( x). 在本例中,我必须将左边距设置为6个字符宽度,以便调整cosec(x)=1/sin(x)的科学记数法中的tics。
To find the common log of a number, we first write it in scientific notation with one figure to the left of the decimal point. 为了求一个数的常用对数,首先按照科学计数法把它写作小数点左面具有一位的数。
For example, format specifiers indicate whether a formatted number should be represented in scientific notation, or whether a formatted date should present the month as a number or a name. 例如,格式说明符指示:是否应该用科学记数法来表示格式化的数字,或者,格式化的日期在表示月份时应该用数字还是用名称。
You have to put your total number of dives in scientific notation. 你不得不用科学技术法记录你的总潜数。
The application of genetic algorithm in estimating kinetic model parameters of propylene ammoxidation was described. In accordance with the peculiarity of the model, the scientific notation coding method and the delayed mutation strategy were used to improve the search efficiency of GA. 针对丙烯氨氧化反应动力学模型的特点,在遗传算法中采用了十进制科学记数编码以及延时变异策略,使搜索效率明显提高。